
FOP is Family!

Who is eligible to join Greater Cumberland Area Lodge #59 Fraternal Order of Police?

Active membership is composed of full-time sworn law enforcement officers, regardless of rank, who have the power of arrest within the State of North Carolina.  Municipal, county, state and federal officers are all eligible.

Officers who retire due to length of service or disability may retain their membership in the FOP with full benefits.

Class A Associate Member
A reserve officer, detention officer, dispatcher or otherwise employed in support of law enforcement, federal, state, city, local subdivision, or county.


Class B Associate Member

A non law enforcement member who is interested in assisting, federal, state, city, local subdivision, or county.

The FOP Auxiliary is composed of family members (18 years of age and older) of Active FOP Members. It serves as a support group for law enforcement families, as well as serving the FOP Lodge. It has a structure similar to that of the FOP, with a National Auxiliary, State Auxiliary and local Auxiliaries.

Are you interested in additional information about joining Greater Cumbeland Area Lodge #59? Please click on the Contact Us Tab.

  1. Active and Associate Class A Member

    Reserve Officer, Dention Officer and Dispatcher

    Price: $200.00
  2. Retiree's

    Retired Members

    Price: $140.00
  3. Associate Class B Member

    Non-Sworn Law Enforcement

    Price: $100.00
Online registrations are strongly preferred but you may download a mail-in registration form by clicking on the link below.
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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